Colored Pencil Drawing: Step One
I mentioned in one of my Instagram posts that I’d attempted to do a watercolor for a family member of mine. I was happy with the overall appearance, but the face didn’t look like him. I thought coloured pencil drawings would be a better approach to achieve the detail I was looking for. After a relatively short web search, I found some pretty phenomenal pencil sketches. These were done by well practiced and incredibly talented artists who have achieved photograph like results. I’m in awe. First thing I noticed about all of the best drawings was how even all the colours looked and how smooth the transition was from one color to another. I decided that’s the first thing I’m going to learn to do and I’m going to share what I learn with you in case you’re interested in trying your hand at this medium with me. We’ll be moving along at a pretty slow pace, so don’t feel intimidated. Also, please share your progress with us on Instagram. Tag me @onerestlessmother.create and use the hashtag #onerestlessmother. I’ve created a video tutorial of what I learned and I welcome feedback from the veteran artists if I’m straying from convention. I will try to have a new video art tutorial out every Friday.
Soooo… I was a little nervous, this being my first tutorial video. Lots of verbal fillers, talking kind of slow (keeping one eye on the kids outside the window), and oh ya, that Canadian inflection that I thought was gone… well… turns out it’s alive and well (nope, I’m not asking a question every couple of minutes). The videos will get better. Pinky swear!