One Room Challenge - Week 6
A quick porch swing build made of a headboard and footboard that’s actually comfortable. Read on the find out why and how to build your very own!
One Room Challenge - Week 5
A DIY Zen Planter and Water Feature. An easy step-by-step tutorial to add some tranquility into your outdoor (or indoor) spaces.
One Room Challenge - Week 4
Oooooooooo-weeee! We are halfway through this 8 week challenge, but I’m not at the halfway point of this project, unfortunately. Boo! I was so busy but got little done on this space. What I did get done was to take a break from the other work. To say I’m burned out is an understatement. I’ve been working non-stop on this house for months and it’s starting to wear on me. Shall we begin? Promise, this is a short one.
One Room Challenge - Week 2
Porch progress… or lack there of. Sometime projects get off to a slow start. This is the case with this one, but I think I’ll be better at getting it moving along by this weekend. I got things moving forward, but didn’t hit all my targets.
One Room Challenge - Week 1
It’s here! One Room Challenge Week One of Spring 2021 and I’m all the emotions rolled into one.
Front Porch - How far we’ve come
Catching you up on where this front porch started and where we are now. There were challenges. There were wins… I think? But we’re on the home stretch now!
One Room Challenge - I signed up!
I signed up for the One Room Challenge! I’m excited and nervous all at the same time. Read on to find out which room I chose and the history of why I started recording and sharing the work publicly.
Guest Entrance Hall Remodel
The Guest Entrance Hallway is complete-ish! Details about what was done, finishes used, cost of project, and some lovely before and after pictures is what you’ll find here.
A Back Deck Story: Chapter 3 | Designing and framing the first deck/porch
This time I put pencil to paper. Taking measurments, knowing each piece of wood required, it’s quantity and length, the hardware needed to install it will save you money in the long run not to mention cut down on the number of trips made to the store. How do you know a post is going to be good in the long run? What’s the best and easiest hardware to use? Once I’m done blabbing, then we’ll speed through the building of the frame. (But not so fast that you won’t be able to see how it’s happening).
A Back Deck Story: Chapter 2 | Patio and foundation installation
Most people would think that taking a sledge hammer to the decrepit and useless would be THE best part of any project, but not for me. That would be my least favorite. I like building and creating. That’s the part that brings me the most joy and satisfaction. Envisioning something and then forcibly bringing it into reality. Forcibly because, let’s be honest, no project in the history of the universe has ever gone without a hitch. Things always seem to get worse before they get better. Always.
A Back Deck Story - Chapter 1 | Sunroom and Deck Demo
Queue the memory retrieval soundtrack because we’re going all the way back to 2014. To the beginning of this ginormous project. Come along as I take you through to the end of this rotting attachment that came with our house.