One Room Challenge - Week 2

How can I already feel like I’m falling behind!?!

Week 1 and I’ve already hit some roadblocks I didn’t consider when planning my work for each week. This week was supposed to:

  • finish installing clapboard

  • finish installing the remainder of the interior trim

  • Strip the paint from half the spindles

  • Caulk the joints

  • Prime and paint the trim and clapboard

I completed the first two on the list and was a real over achiever with the paint removal on the spindles. The last two on the list didn’t happen because I didn’t consider outdoor temperatures this time of year. Too low for the caulk to cure. Too low for the paint. I also realized it doesn’t make sense to paint the completed bottom third when I’m not ready to also paint the spindles and header. Why would I get all the paint supplies out, clean up, only to bring them out again when I’m ready for the rest!?! At least I course corrected this completely inefficient plan during week one instead of powering through thoughtlessly.

Another reason this project seems to be creeping along slowly is I’m only working on it weekends and an hour on weekday mornings before the kids are up. During the week, I spend a large chunk of my days spending time on kids’ schooling and keeping them alive and healthy. Add to that, other necessary and time sensitive repairs I need to tend to around the house.

I can definitely say I’m not sitting idle!

Back to the porch! Getting the clapboard and trim installed meant I could clear out a lot of building material from the porch. I finally put away the winter decorations I’d taken down over a month ago! *smh* BUT and cleared out and organized space is oh-so-important for a productive project.

Here’s a list of what I have planned for this coming week:

  • Sand all the spindles

  • Strip paint from the header

This seems like a really short list, but if you’ve ever done any sort of paint removal, you’ll understand the enormity of this task. Doing it atop a ladder, no less. I’m going to see if I can get my hands on scaffolding to make life easier.

There doesn’t appear to be much progress between last week’s pictures and what you see below. I can assure you at least 8 hrs of labor when into this no-change-situation. So to give you the serotonin hit that my week’s progress couldn’t provide, I’ve lined up the progress photos of both sides of the porch from the very beginning of our time in this house. I hope to have more visible progress to show you by next Thursday. Don’t forget to check out all the guest participants AND pros on the One Room Challenge blog to get your fix of in progress posts and blog entries! I’ve connected with some great people there and know you’ll find so much inspiration. Also, follow along on my IG account @byrneburymanor or more day-by-day stories about the work happening on this project.


Do. Fiercely and Bravely. #roarMOAR

One Room Challenge - Week 3


One Room Challenge - Week 1